Financial Analysis

The Financial Analysis System aims to identify and assess the performance level of establishments. the Financial Analysis System is embedded into the Market Control to make the most complex equations and comparisons among different equations and to explain and clarify the results reached and search for the reasons of these results, with an intelligent view to discover the weaknesses and strengths in the financial plans and policies. Furthermore, the Financial Analysis System helps assess control systems and develop necessary solutions and recommendations in a timely manner. The Financial Analysis System is used to identify and assess the performance level of establishments and make proper decisions for the following purposes:

Credit Analysis | Advice-based Analysis | Mergers and Acquisitions Analysis | Financial Planning | Financial Control | Performance Assessment Analysis

Leverage Analysis

Ratios that measure the extent enterprise to financing on external sources

  • Total Liabilities to total Assets
    It shows the extent to which the total liabilities can be covered using the total assets
  • Total Liabilities to equity
    It show the extent to which the total liabilities can be covered using the owner’s equity
  • Interest Coverage Rate
    It shows the ability to cover the interest of loans and bonds using the net operating profit
  • Long-term commitments to capital
    It show the extent to which the long-term commitments can be covered using the capital
  • Long-term assets to equity
    It show the extent of the contributions of equity to the long-term assets financing

Activities Analysis

Ratios that measure the efficiency of the facility in using its resources

  • Inventory turnover
    It shows the analysis of the stock and how much time it takes to be sold out
  • Debtor’s turnover
    It shows the efficiency of the collection process and the follow-up of customer debts in the facility
  • Creditor’s turnover
    It helps in calculating the payment period for loans, for instance
  • Storage cycle
    This average shows the period of stock from purchasing till discharged
  • Collection cycle
    It shows the time elapsed to collect money from debtors
  • Payment cycle
    It shows the time elapsed to repay for creditors
  • Duty cycle
    It shows the timeline starting from obtaining inventory till the time of collection from debtors
  • Cash cycle
    It shows the time elapsed when the company depend on its own cash (Operating cycle minus payment cycle)
  • Long-term assets turnover
    It shows the ability of the company to take the best advantages of its own assets in achieving profit
  • Total assets turnover
    It shows the extent of the activity of assets and their ability to generate profit. While when this percentage increase it indicates that the efficiency of the facility in using its assets is performing well
  • Capital turnover
    It shows the ability of the capital as amount spent to generate sales. An increase in this percentage refers to the efficiency of the exploitation of working capital

Profit Analysis

Ratios that measure the efficiency of the management to exploit its resources optimally for best sales performance

  • Gross profit margin
    It shows the relationship between net sales revenue and cost of goods sold
  • Net profit margin
    It measure the net profit achieved on sales
  • Return on equity
    It expresses the return that the stockholders achieve on investing resources for the company
  • Return of investment
    It expresses the company’s efficiency in managing available credit in order to achieve profits
  • Rate of return on capital
    It expresses the companies’ ability to use all its capital to generate profits
  • Rate of return on assets
    It expresses the companies’ ability to use all its assets to generate profits
  • Earnings per share
    It shows the profit per share

Liquidity Analysis

Ratios that measure the extent of the organization’s ability to face short term obligations (Which are required to be paid within a year or less)

  • Trading rate
    It expresses the number of times the current assets can cover the current liabilities. Whenever this ratio increases it indicates to the company’s ability to paying current obligations without the need to liquidate fixed assets
  • Payment rate
    This ratio shows the possibility of paying short-term debts within few days
  • Cash ratio
    It shows the extent to which the short term debts can be paid as quickly as possible
  • Liquidity ratio
    A measure of the liquidity of the assets trading during a short period of time

Why to choose Market Control ERP?

Well-tested technology with a large community of skilled developers. Versatile ERP system for auto-generating queries and reports. Options for storing and accessing data in a wide variety of formats.

  • Reduce your cost, trace your payments and collect your money.
  • Manage your day to day transaction and sensitive data with ultimate security and consistency.
  • Ensure robustness and efficiency with no more worries about data loss, accidental power failures, or even data theft.
  • Maximum productivity through a very friendly user interface.
  • Deliver success to your business with a full solution based on academic knowledge and real experience.
  • Explore opportunities! Decision making has never been easier with an intelligent reporting engine producing over 1800 managerial level reports.
  • Tailored to match and suit various industry needs.
  • Highly experienced support team delivering guaranteed efficient and timely support.
  • Full control at your finger-tips with no more than a normal computer and internet connection.
  • Shortest on-site Implementation time.

System Videos

Market Control ERP Financial analysis system works solely and able to integrate with larger suite It works cloud through an internet connection from any place and at any time.

Softex Market Control Inventory Management System Features

  • Build under supervision of professional team
  • Leverage Analysis
  • Activities Analysis
  • Profit Analysis
  • Liquidity Analysis
  • Trading analysis
  • Payment analysis
  • Full integration with E-Invoice system
  • Flexible and scalable system, able to integrate with larger suite
  • Advanced search tools
  • Multiple reports for monitoring
  • Advanced security and accessibility system
  • Flexibility in attaching company’s logo on documents and scalability sorting info
  • The ability to export all reports to Excel, word, and PDF
  • Sending reports as email from the system
  • The ability to modify, delete, view, and print all system documents
  • Consideration of all Egyptian and international accounting principles and standards
  • The ability to integrate with larger systems
  • Archive for each user movements, logging in, and logging out on the system
  • A registry of users with backup copies. Every 6 minutes!
  • SQL Enterprise Database secured by Microsoft
  • No need for technical support
  • No need to purchase and update servers / databases
  • Get Automatic software updates
  • Multiple users of the system

ERP Built for the Cloud